Server monitoring / website monitoring for professionals
Auf der Suche nach Server Monitoring bzw. Serverüberwachung? Willkommen bei Ihrer Serverüberwachung der Wahl, um die Erreichbarkeit Ihrer Webseite sicherzustellen!
Our offers in Quick Overview
In addition to the free account, we also offer premium services. Details can be found here.
Server Monitoring - Website Monitoring - monitor server
Webmaster watch out! is the ultimate solution to keep your server or website monitored. In the case of server failure, we give you notice as soon as possible. Not only by email, SMS and messenger but also by phone. Be sure: with our monitoring.
Why you should our server monitoring observate your website?
With our server monitoring we check in frequent intervals, if your server is still online. We rely on accessibility of a website as well as various other indicatiors of a failure. In the case of a failure or other problems, we will send you an email, SMS and even a phone call.