Server-Monitoring - Website-Monitoring - Server Observation - Servermonitoring - Website Check - Language: German English
Server Monitoring Scans:

Content monitoring - Check everything flexible

With this function gives you the ability to monitor customized scripts.  For example it is possible to test the connectivity of your database. For example you prepare a script that prints a "OK" as output upon successful connection / query on your database. On error, this message would not come.

And how exactly does the search for the term work?

Now comes the content-monitoring into play. You would register with the destination URL simply the address (URL) of the script that performs the check on your database.  The search term could now match the above example as follows: "OK" (without quotation marks). Since your script exactly returns the desired "OK" when the connection is successful, a successful check would have been done.  If your database is no longer available, no "OK" would be returned. Our alert system would start to notify you about this error.  You will be notified by email, SMS, call and messenger as usual.

When creating the individual monitoring, you also get a live output, which has found your RegExp command at matches.

Other examples:

  • Monitor certain key words on Google.
  • If you lose your position on a page you will be informed.
  • Monitor offers from other vendors.
  • Monitor every content.
  • Stay informed when the content of a foreign site updates!
  • many other possibilities ...

Informative links about RegEx:

We can also advise you!

Web site monitoring & Website availability monitoring - 100% secure with our Server-monitoring
Run your Website Monitoring with our Server Monitoring service. You will not regret it. Our Monitoring checks your site availability at regular intervals.