Server-Monitoring - Website-Monitoring - Server Observation - Servermonitoring - Website Check - Language: German English
Server Monitoring Scans: 26.000.706.629

2010 - Time for Relaunch

2010 Relaunch

Finally it is done, the long wait is over. We have taken a lot of trouble, much to do better and above all the high expectations of our users' needs. In recent years we have received many requests and suggestions by our customers. Much of it, we have now realized with the new version and also paved the way an even faster and more flexible in responding to the expectations of being able to.

Give us your opinion! Yes, please tell us what you think of the new version. The only way we can improve our service and optimize continuously.

After the old layout is a bit long in the tooth, the website brought up to date technology. We hope thereby to have met your expectations and welcome any feedback.

Send us an email or use the feedback tool on the Dashboard.

Of course we have the new site on the heart and kidneys checked, but you should notice something negative, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Web site monitoring & Website availability monitoring - 100% secure with our Server-monitoring
Run your Website Monitoring with our Server Monitoring service. You will not regret it. Our Monitoring checks your site availability at regular intervals.