Server-Monitoring - Website-Monitoring - Server Observation - Servermonitoring - Website Check - Language: German English
Server Monitoring Scans: 26.000.713.563

Documentation of the API

The interface is documented for each call independently by indicating which parameters are possible and which are expected mandatory. In this documentation you will see the corresponding calls.

API functions

addNotification(View single)

Description: Add a new notification contact to a specified notification type. Duplicates will be removed.
Name Type Allowed values
server_id string *
contact_type string email, mobile, phone, messenger, twitter
contact string *
handshake string *
Additional Information: Phone- and Mobile numbers are expected in this format: 0049@030123456789 (countrycode@phonenumber). Messenger ids are expected in this format: icq@123456789 (icq|yahoo@accountid).

clearNotifications(View single)

Description: Removes all notification contacts for a specified notification type.
Name Type Allowed values
server_id string *
contact_type string email, mobile, phone, messenger, twitter
handshake string *

deleteNotification(View single)

Description: Deletes all notification contacts from a specified notification type with the given value.
Name Type Allowed values
server_id string *
contact_type string email, mobile, phone, messenger, twitter
contact string *
handshake string *
Additional Information: Phone- and Mobile numbers are expected in this format: 0049@030123456789 (countrycode@phonenumber). Messenger ids are expected in this format: icq@123456789 (icq|yahoo@accountid).

help(View single)

Description: Displays the help text for a specified function.
Name Type Allowed values
function_name string *

listAccountDetails(View single)

Description: Shows a bunch of account and server configuration details. Lists only servers which have a completed setup. The value "server_id" is optional and will restrict the output to one server only instead of all (default).
Name Type Allowed values
handshake string *
server_id string *

listReports(View single)

Description: Lists the latest reports. Limited to 30 days in the past.
Name Type Allowed values
handshake string *

listServerStatus(View single)

Description: Shows a server status details. Lists only servers which have a completed setup. The value "server_id" is optional and will restrict the output to one server only instead of all (default).
Name Type Allowed values
handshake string *
server_id string *

listUptime(View single)

Description: Lists the uptime for the specified server. Limited to 30 days in the past.
Name Type Allowed values
handshake string *
server_id string *

setActive(View single)

Description: Switches the server monitoring status between enabled (1) and disabled (0).
Name Type Allowed values
server_id string *
enabled boolean 0, 1
handshake string *

setNotifications(View single)

Description: Sets the notification contacts for a specified notification type.
Name Type Allowed values
server_id string *
contact_type string email, mobile, phone, messenger, twitter
contacts array *
handshake string *
Additional Information: Phone- and Mobile numbers are expected in this format: 0049@030123456789 (countrycode@phonenumber). Messenger ids are expected in this format: icq@123456789 (icq|yahoo@accountid).

setTimeout(View single)

Description: Pauses the server monitoring for a certain period which must be provided in minutes.
Name Type Allowed values
server_id string *
minutes integer *
handshake string *

stopNotifications(View single)

Description: Stops the notifications for the current failure. If the server comes up again, this status is reset. If no "server_id" is given, notifications for all servers who are currently down, will be disabled. Next time when failure is detected, the notifications will be send again.
Name Type Allowed values
handshake string *
server_id string *
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